Software Downloads

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There are several varieties of VistA distributions:

  • WorldVista (GPL licensed) (Home)
    • Astronaut VistA (Sourceforge download here)
      • Pros: Easiest to install, standards-based, most all-in-one solution available. Some bugs such as IPv6 are fixed. Enables use, collaboration and development. Probably the best choice for newcomers, those not interested in installation details, and developers. Has Virtual machine/Windows version. Both server and client installers are available.
      • Cons: Could be more modular. Currently Beta but moving fast.
    • Toasters (Sourceforge download here)
      • Pros: Virtual machine based, some convenience, can run on Windows. Demonstrates concepts.
      • Cons: Virtual machine based so integration, migration, and upgrades can be an issue.
    • SemiVivA (Sourceforge download here)
      • Pros: Architecture more conducive to ASP model.
      • Cons: Patches for clinical client support are lacking. Requires more expertise to install.
    • Manual-Install Server, Client, Instructions. Vistapedia howto page.
      • Pros: Official WorldVistA release. Perform and understand the raw basics of a VistA installation.
      • Cons: Installation requires familiarity with computer systems, requires separate installation of clients.
  • OpenVista (AGPL licensed) (Home) (Download)
    • Pros: Paid support available. Active development team.
    • Cons: Development is mostly controlled and dominated by a single company.
  • vxVista (EPL licensed) (Home) (not downloadable)
    • Pros: Support by a large VA contractor.
    • Cons: Vaporware at this time.
  • FOIA Vista (unlicensed public domain software) (Home) (Download)
    • Pros: The straight un-modified stuff from Vererans Affairs.
    • Cons: Raw. Very raw. It will take you much, much time to get this into a form that is of any use.

(Other versions such as da Vinci Vista, VOE Vista, and Hui Vista no longer exist or are no longer maintained.)