Mumps Class 6
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Using username "worldvistaEHR". Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20101206" Linux cassandra 2.6.26-1-686 #1 SMP Fri Mar 13 18:08:45 UTC 2009 i686 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Thu Jan 20 02:51:53 2011 worldvistaEHR@cassandra:~$ gtm GTM>; Structure of Mumps: Command, Argument, Command Argument GTM>; comma: repeats a command GTM>; colon (:): acts like a mini if on a command GTM>; this is called post-conditional GTM>; do and goto take post conditionals on arguments GTM>; Set command GTM>; Simple form GTM>SET X=1 GTM>; with a comma GTM>SET X=1,Y=2 GTM>; with parentheses GTM>SET (X,Y)=3 GTM>; with $Piece and $Extract GTM>SET X="MARY HAS A LITTLE LAMB" GTM>WRITE $PIECE(X," ",2) HAS GTM>SET $PIECE(X," ",2)="HAD" GTM>WRITE X MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB GTM>SET $EXTRACT(X,1,2)="BU" GTM>WRITE X BURY HAD A LITTLE LAMB GTM>WRITE X,Y BURY HAD A LITTLE LAMB3 GTM>; new line ! GTM>WRITE X,!,Y BURY HAD A LITTLE LAMB 3 GTM>READ X,Y 45 GTM>WRITE X 4 GTM>WRITE Y 5 GTM>WRITE ?15,"HELLO" HELLO GTM>WRITE ?20,"HELLO" HELLO GTM>; ? positions where the write happens on a screen GTM>; # means form feed. For printers, starts the next page; For screens, it cle ars the screen GTM>WRITE # GTM>; Write can send control characters as well. Use $CHAR to send the character which you want to write. GTM>; Write ASCII bell GTM>WRITE $CHAR(7) GTM>WRITE $CHAR(27),"[31m" GTM>; I am in red! GTM>; Reset terminal GTM>WRITE $CHAR(27),"c" GTM>; * notation for write GTM>; Typically not standardized GTM>; * usually means $Char GTM>WRITE *27,"c" GTM>; Read GTM>; Normal Read GTM>read X HELLO WORLD GTM>WRITE X HELLO WORLD GTM>READ X#3 HEL GTM>Read X#6 qwerty GTM>; using a # with read restricts it to a specific number of characters GTM>Read X:5 GTM>WRITE X GTM>WRITE X="" 1 GTM>; using : with read makes it wait only for a specific number of seconds befo re returning GTM>d ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Access Code: ********* Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 Select OPTION NAME: EHR:cassandra>W DTIME 9999 EHR:cassandra>READ X:5 EHR:cassandra>WRITE X="" 1 EHR:cassandra>READ X:5 EHR:cassandra>ELSE WRITE "I didn't read anything" I didn't read anything EHR:cassandra>; if you time out, you can use Else to execute code after the time out EHR:cassandra>READ X:5 ELSE WRITE "I didn't read anything" 4 EHR:cassandra>WRITE X 4 EHR:cassandra>READ X:5 ELSE WRITE "I didn't read anything" I didn't read anything EHR:cassandra>READ X EHR:cassandra>WRITE X EHR:cassandra>WRITE X="" 1 EHR:cassandra>; Using the * EHR:cassandra>READ *X EHR:cassandra>WRITE X 27 EHR:cassandra>; * allows you to read one character, including control characters EHR:cassandra>; Kill command EHR:cassandra>Removes either a local variable or a global variable. %GTM-E-INVCMD, Invalid command keyword encountered Removes either a local variable or a global variable. ^----- EHR:cassandra>; Removes either a local variable or a global variable. EHR:cassandra>; WARNING: REMOVING A GLOBAL REMOVES IT FROM DISK EHR:cassandra>; THIS MEAN YOU CAN REMOVE ALL PATIENTS FROM A DATABASE WITH A FEW CHARACTERS OF TYPING EHR:cassandra>; If you have a ^ in front of a variable, it means that this varia ble is stored on disk, and you can retrieve it later. EHR:cassandra>SET ^SAM=1 EHR:cassandra>; Just stored 1 on disk EHR:cassandra>KILL ^SAM EHR:cassandra>; Just removed ^SAM from the disk EHR:cassandra>SET LOCALSAM=1 EHR:cassandra>KILL LOCALSAM EHR:cassandra>KILL LOCALSAM EHR:cassandra>; Kill allows you to remove a variable even if it is not present. This is a nice feature; you don't have to check if a variable exists before kill ing it. EHR:cassandra>zed "PSOSTART" EHR:cassandra>SET EMPLOYEE("NAME")="HABA,HABA" EHR:cassandra>SET EMPLOYEE("PHONE",1)="07623423423" EHR:cassandra>SET EMPLOYEE("PHONE",2)="098798709384" EHR:cassandra>SET EMPLOYEE("PHONE",3)="9827349738" EHR:cassandra>SET EMPLOYEE("DATE OF BIRTH")="20100101" EHR:cassandra>zwrite EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE("DATE OF BIRTH")=20100101 EMPLOYEE("NAME")="HABA,HABA" EMPLOYEE("PHONE",1)="07623423423" EMPLOYEE("PHONE",2)="098798709384" EMPLOYEE("PHONE",3)=9827349738 EHR:cassandra>; Kill kills off branches if requested EHR:cassandra>; KILL EMPLOYEE will delete all of Employee EHR:cassandra>; Kill EMPLOYEE("PHONE") will kill the phone tree, but nothing els e EHR:cassandra>; Let's try it EHR:cassandra>KILL EMPLOYEE("PHONE") EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE("DATE OF BIRTH")=20100101 EMPLOYEE("NAME")="HABA,HABA" EHR:cassandra>; To delete a specific node: EHR:cassandra>KILL EMPLOYEE("PHONE",1) EHR:cassandra>ZED EHR:cassandra>