Episode of Care~

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Episode of Care
An admission to the HBPC Program begins an episode of care. The episode ends when the patient is discharged from the program. A complete episode of care must include an admission and a discharge or a reject.

Source: Home Based Primary Care V. 1.0 Technical Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library

Episode of Care
Many encounters for the same problem can constitute an episode of care. An outpatient episode of care may be a single encounter or can encompass multiple encounters over a long period of time. The definition of an episode of care may be interpreted differently by different professional services even for the same problem. Therefore, the duration of an episode of care is dependent on the viewpoints of individuals delivering or reviewing the care provided.

Source: Patient Care Encounter V. 1.0 Technical Manual and Visit Tracking V. 2.0 Technical Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library