Drug File~

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Drug File
The DRUG file (#50) holds the information related to each drug that can be used to fill a prescription or medication order. It is pointed to from several other files and should be handled carefully, usually only by special individuals in the Pharmacy Service. Entries are not typically deleted, but rather made inactive by entering an inactive date.

Source: Pharmacy Data Management V. 1.0 Technical Manual/Security Guide

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library

WorldVista.org provides an overview of complexities and gotchas in the configuration and maintenance of the drug file. VistA software saves lives by ensuring clear communication from the prescribing provider's intentions all the way to the package and label that the patient receives. However, in true military fashion, you will be dealing with "live ammunition", and you can blow your legs off in an instant. Adequate training is essential to safety. The Readme is available here as a pdf file: