User talk:Zeno

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I think WorldVista is great stuff. I'm living in Zurich Switzerland and would like to adapt this for the Swiss market. At the moment I'm still fighting with the installation. I posted following question to the Mailinglist:

Q1: When do I have to run GTM>D ^ZTMGRSET

A1: If you started with OpenVistA SemiVivA, you do not need to set any environment variables to get started, and you do not need to run ^ZTMGRSET - I have already run ^ZTMGRSET when packaging OpenVistA SemiVivA and OpenVistA VivA. I suggest deleting what you have, and starting over. - just install OpenVistA SemiViva as root and then as a normal user execute /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista.

^ZTMGRSET's understanding of the behavior of GT.M's $ZROUtines is somewhat simplistic, and you will need to understand more about GT.M's $ZROUtines if you want to run ZTMGRSET in a VivA or SemiVivA environment. It's actually very simple to set up and run it - just 2 shell commands before you invoke mumps -run ^ZTMGRSET - but you should really understand what is going on before you try a command that makes major changes to the VistA setup.

Q2: Where do I set the Variables, and how to I start Vista with some Variables?

A2: You set the varibales in .bash_profile if you do the manual install
source /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile
export vista_source=/usr/local/OpenVistA
export vista_home=/home/vista
export gtm_log=$vista_home/log
export gtmgbldir=$vista_home/g/mumps.gld
export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($vista_home/r)
$vista_source/o($vista_source/r) $gtm_dist"

Watch out for line breaks - there are 6 lines above, one starting with "source" and 5 starting with "export".

If you use the script /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista, you do not need to set any variables.