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OpenSolaris: What is it exactly?

OpenSolaris also commonly referred to as osol, is a completely free and open source version of the Sun Microsystems Solaris operating system, licensed under the CDDL. It is also the code base for the up and coming Solaris 11.

It is most commonly distributed as a live CD, that can be installed to your hard disk, in the same way that many modern Linux distros can. It makes use of the Gnome desktop, although others are available. If you want to take it for a spin, and get a feel for what it's all about you can download it here.
Click on the Get It! Link, and you will be directed to the download page.

Why is it mentioned here on VistApedia? In no small part, because it has become the platform of choice for Elementary Dr Watson, for me personally as a desktop OS, and company wide, as our server, and development platform.

Utilizing a virtualization technology called OpenSolaris zones (or containers), we are able to run the Linux version of GT.M (and thus VistA) un-modified, while gaining the benefits of the OpenSolaris operating system.