Install VistA p.1

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   back to Nancy's Installation Method

Created Wednesday 22 October 2008

Installing WorldVistA EHR Version 1.0 VistAOffice EHR for GTM on an Ubuntu Linux desktop system.

This is my rewrite of Nancy Antharacite's instructions.

It is intended for a near-newbie to Linux. If you are a skilled network administrator (or can search the internet, read books, or call friends to learn how to be one) and want to install VistA on a server or on a different Linux distribution, feel free to make the appropriate changes. At least I can say that these instructions worked on my Dell Inspiron 530 with Ubuntu 8.04. Read through it all once, then decide if you want to give it a try. It can be done!

1.Open a Terminal. Add a user for VistA, then log in as user vista and change to the home directory for vista. Remove the Examples folder that Ubuntu adds when you do this.

Click the menu panel: Applications>Accessories>Terminal

The following commands can be typed into the terminal, but to avoid typos you might want to cut and paste from here. Just remember that in the terminal you must use right-click-paste or right-click-copy; the terminal will intercept ctrl-V and ctrl-C with undesired results.

adduser vista <== To be safe, I like to issue the command first without root privileges to see if Linux finds any typos. If it just says I don't have permission, then sudo !! will execute the same command without re-typing. sudo !! <==Ubuntu uses the sudo command to allow execution of one command as root. Sudo will ask for a password; give it your own login password. Then adduser asks for a password for vista; for now you can give vista an easy password (I lent it my own, since I'm the only user on my machine), but remember to change to a strong one before going live with real production data (the command will be passwd, to be used while logged in as vista). Skip the personal info; it's only used for finger.

sudo adduser vista admin <== again use your own login password to become temporary "root"; this adds vista to the admin group so vista can use sudo also.

su vista <== enter your own password here to "become" user vista. At any time you can return to yourself with "exit".

cd <== this will move you to vista's home folder.

rm Examples <== get rid of Ubuntu's automatic introductory folder.

ls <== should now show nothing; an empty folder

2.Get the following files from Nancy's server and put them in the home directory of the user vista. You can click to open this link in your browser: Nancy's server

Or you can use the wget commands from the command line. Select one wget line below at a time, copy, then right-click-paste on the terminal. It's fun and quick so you really should try this method.

Files to get: env2 WVEHR-gui WVEHR-guiXINETD

3. Download the globals and routines by using the following command on the command line.

and the README file that has the password (it's located halfway down the text. Patiently read it once, all the way through!)


download WVEHR-VOE1.0MumpsAndRoutinesForGTMLinux.ZIP and WV-VOE-1-0-README.txt from the WorldVistA EHR site on Sourceforge.

4.Still in the home directory of vista, make directory EHR and subdirectories g o and p. An r directory will be added in the next step when we unpack the routines. Go back to home. You can cut and paste all four of these lines at once:

mkdir EHR

cd EHR

mkdir g o p


Install VistA p.2