Talk:MUMPS Programming/Intro

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Revision as of 15:55, 2 February 2009 by DavidWhitten (talk | contribs)
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"I'm hoping I can avoid using too much " Computer Speak", and just avoid the jargon that people who really understand the subject use all the time."

Could you go with "..."Computer Speak", especially the jargon..."

To me, "just" is a four-letter word, a minimizing word, and I avoid using it. Especially egregious are prayers of the form "Lord, just help our leaders do the right thing" -- if that were to happen, it would be huge news, like hell freezing over or something -- "just" is like trying to sneak something by people without them realizing how big it is, like Alaska's bridge to nowhere.

If you can avoid jargon, that's huge. Don't minimize it.



sounds good, I'll change it. DavidWhitten 07:55, 2 Feb 2009 (PST)