Astronaut VistA

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What is Astronaut VistA

Astronaut VistA Installer Suite is a package that installs one of several different versions of VistA (currently available versions are Astronaut WorldVistA and Astronaut OpenVistA) in an integrated fashion.

Astronaut packages the servers, clients, and auxiliary modules so that they are able to function together seamlessly. The preferred clinical client that is tested in actual private-sector clinical use is TMG-CPRS and its configuration assistant VistA-Config. These are both present in an easy to use .exe client installer. Other clients are bundled as well.

Where can I get Astronaut VistA ?

Server: download installation is now obsolete. apt-get or yum is the preferred method. See below on how to use yum or apt-get.

Client: client installer download of the .exe is still the preferred method. Download here:

Installation Instructions

Server functions

The VistA server functions are generally configured from a text interface. The VistA server is very flexible and powerful, and therefore can seem complex to customize and daunting for new users.

Accessing the interface is possible in several ways:

  • While logged on the server (using any login ID) by starting VistA Commander from a command-line interface Terminal:
  • Logging in directly to the server using the provided Linux login (openvistaEHR or worldvistaEHR) and opening a (Konsole) Terminal. This loads the VistA Commander interface automatically. (On Astronaut systems, the default initial password is vista!123.)
  • Using the Text Client and VistA Config menu items/shortcuts in the Astronaut Client menu (Windows systems only).
  • Using the built-in VistA Server Text Client menu items/shortcuts in the Ubuntu-Med system.

Then see

Astronaut Features

Depending on the version of Astronaut used, these features may be available:

  • Medsphere OVID - A MUMPS to Java bridge system.
  • TMG CPRS - An improved version of CPRS that allows the ability to add patients directly. Has an integrated web browser.
  • EWD -- A MUMPS/GT.M/M21 to Java, PHP, and ASP bridge that allows web browsers to interface with the VistA server directly (without CPRS).
  • M2Web -- a web-based interface to the VistA server routines

Other Resources